Collage of the Centre College Class of 1880, along with Old Main. Students not identified, but class included Hervey Barbour, Clifton Rodes Barret, James Madison Bell Birdwhistell, Nathaniel Lafon Curry, Richard Patton Dunlap, Frank Fithian, George…
Portrait of the senior class of 1889 standing on the steps of Old Main. Identified on photomount as Reed Curry, Tom Price, Joseph Bowen, Beckner Bush, Horace Turner, Eric Hann, Henry Craik, Horace Turner, John VanWinkle, Holly Yeiser, Rice Cowan,…
Group portrait of the Centre College senior class of 1891 standing on the steps of Old Main. Students identified on photomount as (1) David G. Wright, (2) [illegible], (3) Henry N. Faulconer,(4) Thomas P. Welch, (5) E.B. Muir, (6) Henry A. Brown, (7)…
Portrait of the 1892 freshman class at Centre College seated of the steps of Old Main. Students labeled on back as 1. Birch, 2. Harlan, 3. Starling, 4. Marks, 5. J. Smith, 6. Goodloe, 7. Allen, 8. Pearce, 9. Beatty, 10. Jackson, 11. Caldwell, 12. J.…
Photograph labeled on photomount "Freshman class of '10 before great '09 vs. '10 flag rush. Flag is in the tree around which students are grouped." Students identified on photomount as standing (l-r) Jones, Powell, webber, Alexander, Dietrich,…
Studio portrait of the 1895 Centre College Glee Club. Members identified as top row (l-r) [unidentified], Heiser, Gray, Ferran, Burchett, Bates; middle row (l-r) Parrett, Kelly, Flattery, Donald Grant, Spaulding; bottom row (on floor, l-r) Gould,…
Studio portrait of the Centre College Glee Club, circa 1895. Members identified on photomount as 1. A. Cook, 2. R. Stevens, 3. D.M. Grant, 4. W.F. Savage, 5. B. Woolfolk, 6. M.H. Spaulding, 7. D.J. Curry, 8. S.R. Kerr, 9. J.C. Acheson, 10. A.M.…
Undated portrait of an unidentified Centre College class on the steps of Old Main. Photograph dates circa 1890. Man with white hat and carrying umbrella is William C. Young, president of Centre from 1888 to 1896.
Studio portrait of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity of 1897. Members identified on photomount as (top row, l-r) Peyton B. Bethel, J.F. Fairleigh, Martin Welch, R.F. Dickens, H.S. Hale, Jr.; (first row, l-r) James E. Reynolds, D.J. Curry, Jr., Thebes…
Set and actors from the Centre Players Club 1958 production of George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart's You Can't Take It With You, directed by West T. Hill and staged in the Weisiger Theater. Actors identified asFrances Lambert (standing), Marty Jackson…
Set and actors from the Centre Players Club 1958 production of George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart's You Can't Take It With You, directed by West T. Hill and staged in the Weisiger Theater. Actors identified as Paul Cantrell (seated), Pete Smith…
Two unidentified Centre College students in a horse and buggy along a covered bridge over the Kentucky River from Howard A. Dorsey's photograph album dated 1908-09.
Unidentified group of Centre College and (possible) Caldwell College students rom Howard A. Dorsey's photograph album dated 1908-09.Howard A. Dorsey is identified as the student on right front row.