Aerial photograph of the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. Visible (l-r) are Carnegie Library, Boyle-Humphrey Alumni Gymnasium (with new addition being constructed), Old Main, Old Young, Veteran's Village, Fry House, and…
Aerial photograph of the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. Visible in the center are (clockwise) the back of Old Centre, Wiseman Hall, McReynolds Hall, and Hillcrest. In the lower left is the construction of the Main Street…
Aerial photograph of the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. Visible in the center are (clockwise) the back of Old Centre, Wiseman Hall, McReynolds Hall, and Hillcrest. In the photograph's top is seen (l-r) Carnegie Library,…
Aerial photograph of the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. Visible in the lower right are (clockwise) Old Centre, Wiseman Hall, McReynolds Hall, and Hillcrest. In the upper half are (l-r) Carnegie Library, Boyle-Humphrey…
Aerial view of Danville and the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. The campus is in the middle left. The view is looking east to west. The road in the center is Main Street, to the right Lexington Avenue, and to the left…
Aerial view of Danville and the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. The campus is in the lower left. The view is looking northwest to south east.
Aerial view of Danville and the Centre College campus taken by Omar Adams, Spring of 1949. Visible in the center are Old Main, Wiseman Hall, McReynolds Hall, and Hillcrest. To the left is Walnut Street and in middle is Main Street, showing the…
Photograph of the exterior of Carnegie Library on the Centre College campus, circa 1930. Built in 1913 through a gift from Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie served as Centre's library until 1966.
Photograph of the exterior of Carnegie Library on the Centre College campus, circa 1930. Built in 1913 through a gift from Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie served as Centre's library until 1966.
Photograph of the exterior of Carnegie Library on the Centre College campus, circa 1930. Built in 1913 through a gift from Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie served as Centre's library until 1966.
Photograph of the exterior of Carnegie Library on the Centre College campus, circa 1930. Built in 1913 through a gift from Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie served as Centre's library until 1966.
Photograph of the exterior of Carnegie Library on the Centre College campus, circa 1930. Built in 1913 through a gift from Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie served as Centre's library until 1966.
Reproduction of an undated photograph of the Centre College Academy. Constructed in 1868, the school was housed in this building which stood at the corner of Walnut Street and College Street. In 1916 the site was sold to the Danville Board of…
Aerial photograph of the Centre College campus taken by W. C. Alcock, October 28, 1939. Buildings that are visible include (l-r) the old Danville High School, Carnegie Library, Boyle-Humphrey Gymnasium, Old Main, Old Young, Fry House (upper right),…
Photograph of a winter scene of the Centre College campus, circa 1895, taken from the First Presbyterian Church. Visible are Old Boyle-Humphrey Gymnasium, Old Main, and Breckinridge Hall.
Collage of campus buildings that appeared in the May 29, 1879, issue of the Centre College Courant. Includes Old Main (bottom left), first Sayre Library (top), and Old Centre (bottom right).
Undated photograph of the Centre College campus, circa 1920. Buildings are (l-r) Carnegie Library, Boyle-Humphrey Alumni Gymnasium, Old Main, and Old Young Science Hall.
Built in 1904, renovated in 1998. Named for Carroll C. Chenault Jr., Class of 1920. Home to the offices of alumni and development. From 1932 to 1962, it housed Phi Delta Theta fraternity. It is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.