Browse Exhibits (3 total)
Centre Under Construction
The new 135,000-square-foot wellness and athletic facility at Centre, the largest and most comprehensive construction project to date at the College, is well under way. It will be named after Andy Frye, Head Coach at Centre College since 1998.
Centre's Master Plan plans for the upkeep and expansion of all the physical spaces.
This exhibit highlights past construction projects at Centre College.
"In Memorial" bookplates provide a means to honor those who have passed away.
"In Honor" bookplates provide a means to honor those still living.
"Donated by" bookplates recognize those who have provided gifts in support of building and expanding library collections.
In all instances the Library’s digital bookplating program inserts a permanent link into the title’s online catalog record that points back to the digital bookplate.
If you would like to donate in honor or memory of someone, please contact:
A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Title IX
The historical view of Women's Sports at Centre
Centre College celebrates the 50th anniversary of the passage of Title IX in 1972.
Archivist's Statement
This exhibit is not intended to be a comprehensive history of women in sports at Centre. Rather, it is intended to give a glimpse at the early history of women’s sports at the College and provide a snapshot of how things have changed over time, thanks in no small part to Title IX. It is impossible to recognize, in this small amount of space, the many amazing and inspiring Centre women who have blazed a trail in athletics or who have excelled as a champion in their sport.
If you have participated in women’s sports at Centre and would like to donate materials to our collection or share your story through an oral history interview, please contact the Archivist at
Read more about Women's Sports at Centre: Baird, Kitty Rogers. Women Athletes Blazing a Trail: a History of Women's Participation in Sport at a Small Liberal Arts College. (Centre College, 2001)