You are contributing to Centre College’s Digital Archive, which is developing a enduring digital record of the history, major events, and individuals involved at Centre College. Your participation in this project will allow future historians, community members, alumni, and current Centre College students, to gain a greater understanding and awareness of Centre College’s history, faculty, and students.

 You must be 18 years of age or older to submit material to us. Your submission of material constitutes your permission for, and consent to, its circulation and use in association with Centre College Digital Archive in all media in perpetuity. If you have so indicated on the form, your material will be published on the Digital Archive website. Otherwise, your material will only be accessible to approved researchers using the archive. The material you submit must have been created by you, wholly original, and shall not be copied from or based, in whole or in part, upon any other photographic, literary, or other material, except to the extent that such material is in the public domain. Further, submitted material must not violate any confidentiality, security, privacy or other laws.

By submitting material to the Centre College’s Digital Archives you release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless the Archive and persons acting under its permission or authority, including Centre College library or archives to which the collection might be donated for purposes of lasting preservation, from any claims or liability arising out the Archives’ use of the material, including, without limitation, claims for violation of privacy, defamation, or misleading representation.

 The Archive has no obligation to use your material. You will be sent via email a copy of your contribution to the Archive. We cannot return any material you submit to us so be certain to retain a copy.